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Shall we just slow down a little?

I had a coaching conversation earlier this week and one of the main focuses for my client, T, was how to slow down to live more intentionally. It feels like everything is fast paced nowadays, we’re looking for efficiencies in everything we do, we’re always rushing on to the next task.

What would happen if we chose to slow down instead?

As you go through your day does it feel like you’re rushing, moving from one task to the next? Thinking of quick dinners, shortcuts on walks and moving straight on to the next thing once you’ve completed one project?

It’s not surprising, so much information that is fed to us is about productivity, hustle and always having our homes and selves looking their very best.

But what happens when you rush? More than likely you’re exhausted. There’s no pausing to refocus, recharge and celebrate. But you also probably make decisions (too many yes’) that you’re not thrilled with, end up taking on even more, and potentially not being happy with your ‘results’.

How could it feel if you chose to show down?

Slowing down can bring more joy as we no longer miss out on the little glimmers each day, we notice smiling faces and connections, we cherish moments with others and on hobbies we enjoy. Slowing down also helps us to focus on the things we truly value in life and commit time and energy to that.

But slowing down isn’t easy. I get it.

Firstly, how the heck will you get all of your current responsibilities done? And secondly there is a whole load of mindset work to sort through…..

Yep, I get this. It’s something I talk to a lot of my clients about. If I am not “producing” in the traditional sense of the word, then where does my value come from?

And I ask you to sit with that question a moment, *|FNAME|*. And really ask yourself what value you bring. Because I promise you, it is not what you are producing. It is so much more than that.

You will also find that when you slow down, you have a much clearer idea of how you want to spend your time. You understand the value of your time. And that makes it a whole lot easier to make cuts where needed, set boundaries and say NO more.

So where to start?

  • Take stock of where you are now, when do you find you are rushing? Which elements would you like to slow down?

  • Are there any trends? Do you find that you are rushing aspects of your life where you are kind to yourself? or perhaps the ones you know could lead to success?

  • Take some time to work through these thoughts maybe write them down, talk to someone, or seek inspiration from books, podcasts or people you admire.

  • Change your routine, if you rush dinner why not choose to listen to a podcast or music at the same time to savour it. If you rush a particular job why not choose to change your environment which can spark different creativity and inspiration.

  • Give yourself 5 seconds, just a few seconds helps us to move from our emotional brain to our logical brain helping us to see the bigger picture (which included our core values).

  • Find an accountability buddy, many people now use apps or social media to keep on top of tasks. I find this helps to give me more structure and also to make sure I give time to the important things. I can visually see how much I am attempting to load into a day.

  • Give the Eisenhower matrix a try - consider everything you have on and split into 4 categories ; Do it, Delay it, Delegate it, Delete it.

  • Set your intentions each week or day and have a clear idea of what your non negotiables are… we always have time for the things we prioritise.

  • Try some mindfulness, simple techniques can really help to ground you in the present moment and regain focus when it might feel like the world is spinning around you.

Let me know if you try any of these tips and which ones work for you. Remember to try and stay curious rather than self judgemental, and find a way that works for you.

Do you feel like you need support with your habits, and like T a chance to slow down?

Book a call and let’s chat